Innovation has always been the bedrock of successful companies. Those who invest in new ideas enjoy greater business returns as well as positive brand perception.
At PriestmanGoode, we have proven experience of working as innovation partners to some of the world’s leading brands, notably in the travel and transport sector. We invest in our own future thinking projects. This has been a determining factor in the growth of our business. Design for us is about making things better, and we are always looking at the world around us to explore ways in which design thinking can address some of the issues we face, from environmental to societal or behavioural. This has led to groundbreaking concepts including the Dragonfly drone delivery system, sustainable products and services for the travel industry or train seats that increase capacity by 30% within the same vehicle footprint.

“Innovation is about changing the status quo. About being bold. Asking the right questions”.
Successful innovation is also about placing future thinking within the right framework, understanding context, knowledge and expertise of different industries. It’s about understanding what technological or breakthrough changes are happening in one area, and harnessing that knowledge to answer different problems.

We have broad experience across a range of industries, and this has been a key factor in enabling us to innovate and enter new markets. We designed the first capsule hotel room for Yotel! in the early 2000s, as the owners recognised our expertise in designing luxury aircraft environments would be precisely what was required to design hotel rooms within a very small footprint. Since then, we have extended our strategic and innovative thinking across many industries and projects from sustainable food packaging to healthcare, urban infrastructure design or commercial space travel, each time bringing new ideas and a fresh perspective and creative solutions to existing challenges.